Dental News and Product Procedures

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Optimal dental restoration results have never been easier!

When performing interproximal restorations, a well-designed dental matrix is an essential tool for ensuring optimal results. See how SafeMatrix performs while also adding comfort.

Importance of AQL in Disposable Dental Glove Manufacturing

What is AQL? AQL stands for Acceptance Quality Limit. In terms of gloves, it is the quality assurance measure set by ASTM, EN and ISO to ensure the gloves are free from pinholes. On a standard manufacturing line that produces thousands of disposable gloves each day, it is inevitable that some gloves have tiny pinhole defects. 

Innovations in Dental Handpieces

This is an exciting moment in handpiece technology. See how form meets function and rises to the advances being made in other areas, like the materials we need to be able to cut.

Easily Close Small Black Triangles with Flowable Composite

Easy Technique for Closing Small Black Triangles. This patient complained that “It always looks like I have something stuck in my teeth”.

What are the Different Types of Dental Anesthesia?

Going to the dentist for a simple procedure can be difficult for patients with dental fears. Common fears are related to pain and not knowing what to expect. 

Richmond SteriPocket in Oral Surgery

Once a tooth is extracted, have your patients bite down on the SteriPocket to help stop the bleeding.

Reduce Hand Fatigue: Invest in Ergonomic Nitrile Gloves

Individuals working in the dental field have a high risk of developing musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) due to repetitive motions that lead to strain and fatigue. Mary Govoni, breaks down the basics of MSD risk factors in dentistry and offers valuable insights.

10 Questions to Ask Your Team to Test Your Dental Infection Control Standards

One area that seems to be challenging for dental practices, pre and post pandemic, is that of training new and existing employees on consistent infection control practices.

3 Factors That Increase Your Risk of Tooth Decay — Fluoride Varnish Can Help

The role of dental hygienists has changed dramatically since March of 2020. Due to mandated closures and the ongoing global pandemic, many patients experienced delays in their routine visits and are experiencing increased instances of grinding or clenching, have increased their intake of coffee, wine, and seltzer, and also have more bleeding on probing.

The Comprehensive Dental Unit Waterline Testing Guide

What is in your dental unit waterlines? You’ve probably seen the pictures and you’ve probably read the news headlines - looking for the answer to this question is not without stress.

Improving Dental Practice Revenue with In-Office Teeth Whitening

Did you know the market revenue for professional teeth whitening (in-office) is expected to increase by over 28 percent by 2025?

medicom mask smiling girl
Why Who Made Your Dental Face Mask Matters

When COVID-19 created an unprecedented demand for personal protective equipment (PPE), many countries were caught off guard. Without sufficient stockpiles of items such as masks, gowns and gloves, many frontline healthcare workers were forced to reuse disposable items or go without. As demand began to surpass available supply from reputable manufacturers, companies and individuals were eager to profit from the situation and began producing face masks. However, many had no medical device manufacturing experience and no knowledge of the regulatory requirements that are in place to keep healthcare professionals safe. Unfortunately, their masks did not provide adequate protection against virus transmission and some even contained potentially harmful materials* that put wearers’ health further at risk.